Cum sa stergi automat mesajele vechi din IPhone

In mod implicit IPhone-ul salveaza fiecare mesaj text. Ca urmare ai putea avea ani de mesaje salvate in ICLoud ocupand spatiu valoros. Din fericire exista o modalitate de a sterge automat mesajele text vechi.

Deschideti ,,Settings ‘’

In “Settings,” atingeti “Messages.”

In “Messages,” derulati in jos pana la “Keep Messages.”

In mod implicit este setat ca mesajele sa se pastreze pentru totdeauna. Aici puteti seta sa se stearga automat mesajele mai vechi de 30 de zile sau un an, in functie de cat timp doriti sa le pastrati.

Dupa ce alegeti 30 de zile sau un an, veti vedea un dialog in care IPhone va intreaba daca doriti sa stergeti mesajele mai vechi.


O data ce ati dat Delete, mesajele vor fi sterse automat si nu se mai pot recupera.

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How to Turn on Registration Lock in Signal

Signal, the secure messaging application, ties itself to your phone number. For extra protection against thieves stealing your phone number, you can enable Registration Lock, preventing anyone from registering another account with your phone number. Your Signal account is tied to your phone number, which means you don’t even need a password to log in. Your Signal account can only be linked to one phone number, so you can only have Signal active on one iPhone or Android smartphone at a time.

To sign up again on a new device, you’ll need access to your number (usually via your SIM) so that you can receive a code to prove who you are.

Enable Registration Lock in Signal

Registration Lock prevents your account from being re-registered on another device without the PIN you used to sign up for Signal being provided. With Registration Lock enabled, whoever gets ahold of your SIM or Google Voice account will also need to know your PIN to use your account.

Signal will block your account for a week if you enter the wrong PIN a few times. If you forget your PIN, Registration Lock will expire seven days after inactivity (This is reset each time you access your Signal account from a linked device.). Once Registration Lock has expired, you will be able to re-register your number without a PIN.

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