How to See Which Apps Can Access Your Location on Android

It’s no secret that smartphone apps have the ability to access a lot of permissions—if you let them. It’s important to make sure apps aren’t abusing permissions to protect your privacy. Android makes it easy to see which apps can access your location.

Android apps are required to ask for permission to access your location. Beginning in Android 11, you can even grant apps one-time access to your location. This means that you don’t have to worry about apps grabbing your location after you leave the app. Regardless of how well you may monitor permissions, it’s a good idea to check up on which apps can access your location every once in a while.

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Cum sa activezi Dark theme pe Facebook Android

Pasul 1: Se deschide aplicatia Facebook instalata pe telefonul dumneavoastra

Pasul 2: Se deschide tab-ul Optiuni (Options). Apasam cele 3 linii orizontale situate in dreapta ecranului:

Pasul 3: Se da scroll pana in partea de jos unde regasiti meniul “Mod intunecat (Dark Theme)”

Pasul 5: Se seteaza optiunea “Activat (Activate)” respectiv “Dezactivat (Deactivate)” daca se doreste dezactivarea optiunii.

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