Cum sa iti modifici contul din public in privat in aplicatia Tik Tok
- Dam click pe Privacy.
- Aici putem modifica profilul, ori din privat in public ori din public in privat. Profilul privat nu va putea fi vizualizat de catre nimeni.
Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Traffic reports in Google Maps allow you to quickly determine if the route you’re taking is busy or not. If you’re a passenger on the road, you can update Google Maps by adding your own traffic reports.
These instructions will work for all mobile users with the Google Maps app on Android and iPhone. It’s important, however, to only attempt this if it is safe to do so, or you may put other road users at risk. This feature is appropriate for a passenger in a vehicle to use, for instance.
[mai mult...]So you have tried sending emoji, stickers, and even GIFs as responses. But nothing quite captures your exact expression. Instagram DMs’ selfie stickers solve this very important problem. Here’s how to send selfie stickers (with animated emojis) on Instagram.
Using Instagram’s selfie stickers feature, you can create a short, expressive, animated sticker. You can record your expression or use an animated emoji overlay (with hearts, laughter emoji, and more). This feature is available with Instagram’s cross-platform messaging update that brought the ability to message Facebook friends to Instagram DMs. You can get this update from the Settings menu in your Instagram app for iPhone or Android.
[mai mult...]It’s best to ensure only the apps you trust can access sensitive data like your microphone. Here’s how with Android’s built-in permission manager.
[mai mult...]Desi exista foarte multe aplicatii de acest gen in Magazin Play, majoritatea vin la pachet cu reclame sau alte functii inutile. In cazul in care nu stiati deja, Samsung ofera posibilitate din setari de a activa un Folder Securizat unde puteti pune orice aplicatie sau fisier doriti.
Pentru activare si configurare trebuie sa urmati pasii de mai jos:
De aici alegeti ,,Folder securizat’’ (veti avea nevoie de o parola)
Dupa setarea parolei trebuie obligatoriu sa activati butonul cu ,,activare folder securizat’’, astfel incat acesta sa apara in meniul telefonului.
Dupa activare veti gasi ,,Folder securizat’’ in aplicatii si il puteti accesa introducand parola setata anterior.
Se va deschide Folder securizat si acum puteti adauga ce aplicatie sau fisier doriti.
Gata, acum aplicatiile sau fisierele dumneavoastra sunt securizate.
[mai mult...]