Control parental android pe tabletele si telefoanele copiilor

Controlul parental blochează accesul copiilor la conținutul video periculos (filme xxx, jocuri violente, de noroc, etc), conținut ce poate fi accesat chiar și din greșeală, nu numai intenționat.

Există și aplicații specifice sau browsere dedicate care fac acest lucru, dar aici voi prezenta setările care se pot face cel mai rapid și pe cele mai uzuale căi ce le avem pe un telefon sau tabletă: browser-ul Google, aplicația Youtube, respectiv Magazin Play.

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How to Unsubscribe From Automated Text Messages

Messages notifications on an iPhone homescreen.

If you have a smartphone, you’re probably getting text message alerts. Security codes from your bank, coupons from restaurants, messages from political campaigns—the list goes on and on. Here’s how to stop getting unwanted automated texts from an organization.

SMS messages don’t come with the kind of “Unsubscribe” links you’ll find in email newsletters. They often don’t include any instructions to unsubscribe. But, even if a text message doesn’t include any instructions for making it stop, there’s a practically universal way to unsubscribe.

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How to Install Third-Party App Stores on Android

Nearly every Android device ships with the Google Play Store. It’s the official place to go to download apps and games. However, the openness of Android means you can install third-party app stores, too.

The Google Play Store is, by far, the largest app store available to those who use Android. It’s also the safest place to download apps and games. However, if your device doesn’t have the Play Store, or you’re just interested in alternatives.

  • Amazon Appstore: This is on Kindle Fire tablets, but you can install it on an Android device, as well. Because it’s backed by Amazon, it’s a pretty safe app store to use.
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