Cum instalam google services pe Huawei mate 30

Instalarea serviciilor google pe huawei mate 30

In urma scandalului Huawei – administratia SUA serviciile google nu mai pot fi instalate pe terminalale mobile produse de Huawei.Google a blocat instalarea pe terminale huawei, iar la instalare se verifica procesorul terminalului, in cazul lui mate 30, nu se poate instala din surse alternative, gen apk miror sau versiuni pre downloadate, deasemenea, nici cu ajutorul lz play nu mai este posibil.

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How to Remove iCloud Activation Lock From iPad

There are only a couple of ways to remove iCloud Activation Lock on an iPad. The easiest way is if you have access to the Apple ID username and password originally used to activate the device. You might have this either because it’s your device or because you can contact the person who sold you the iPad. In that case, follow these steps to complete Activation Lock removal:

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How to Modify Google Text-to-Speech Voices

While Google focuses on the Assistant, Android owners shouldn’t forget about the Text-to-Speech (TTS) accessibility feature. It’ll convert text from your Android apps, but you might need to modify it to get the speech to sound the way you want it.

Modifying Text-to-Speech voices is easily done from the Android accessibility settings menu. You can change the speed and pitch of your chosen voice, as well as the voice engine you use.

Google Text-to-Speech is the default voice engine and is pre-installed on most Android devices. If your Android device doesn’t have it installed, you can download the Google Text-to-Speech app from the Google Play Store.

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How to Mute Mail Threads on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

iOS 13 Mail app Share Sheet with Mute button

There’s no way to leave email conversations if someone accidentally hits the “Reply All” button. What you can do is mute the conversation on your end to disable notifications. Here’s how to mute threads on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac using the Mail app.

How to Mute Mail Threads on iPhone and iPad

To mute a thread on an iPhone or iPad, you need to be running iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 and higher.

There are two ways to do this. The first works without even opening the email. You can also mute a message from the reply menu.

If you’re in the Inbox, swipe left on an email and select the “More” option.

Swipe left and tap on the More button

From the popup, tap on the “Mute” button.

Tap on the Mute button

The email will now have a small “Bell” icon to tell you that the thread has been muted.

Check the Mute symbol on muted threads

If the email is already open, tap on the “Reply” button from the bottom-right corner.

Tap on the Reply button

Then, scroll down a bit until you see the “Mute” option. Tap on the button to mute the thread.

Tap on the Mute button from the Share sheet

If you want to unmute the thread later on, follow the same process, and tap on the “Unmute” option.

Tap on the Unmute button from the Share sheet

How to Mute Mail Threads on Mac

Open the Mail app on your Mac that’s running macOS Catalina. Next, select an email or multiple emails. From the top toolbar, locate the “Bell” icon and click on it.

Click on Mute button to mute the thread

The icon will change to a bell icon with a dash across it. This means that the conversation has been muted.

You can also mute a conversation by right-clicking on an email from the list view and selecting the “Mute” option.

Click on Mute from the menu

To unmute a thread, click on the “mute” button from the toolbar again.

Click on the Unmute button to unmute the thread

This is just one of the new features in iOS 13. Take a look at our best new features list for iOS 13, and once you update, make sure to try the new Dark mode.

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