How to Connect a PS4 or Xbox Controller to Your iPhone or iPad

iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 open up the world of iPhone and iPad gaming to the two most popular game controllers. You can now connect a PS4 or Xbox One S controller directly to your device and instantly start playing any game that supports controllers.

iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 are adding support for more wireless controllers, but the system is not open for all Bluetooth-based wireless controllers. Only PS4 Dualshock 4 and Xbox One controllers are currently supported. The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller doesn’t work.

There are a couple of Xbox One controllers in the wild. Apple currently supports only model 1708, which is the Xbox One S controller (the original Xbox One controller doesn’t work). Most PS4 Dualshock controllers are supported (except for the CUH-ZCT1U model that shipped with the original PS4 back in 2013).

The easiest way to check if your controller is supported is by, well, connecting it to your iPhone or iPad.

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Troubleshoot Conectare Wireless

Ne aflam in situatia in care, avem un device pe care dorim sa-l conectam Wireless la o retea locala/persoanala si intampinam diverse probleme de conexiune si/sau de semnal.

In teorie, procedeul este unul simplu: pe baza unui Nume si a unei Parole, incercam sa conectam Device-ul la retea, pentru a avea acces la pachetul de date/internet; Dar, ce facem cand conexiunea este slaba/inutilizabila doar pe acest device?

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