Apple now makes it easy to install iOS betas using over-the-air updates. While simple to install, iOS Public Betas can be buggy as well. Fortunately, you can leave the iOS Public Beta at any time.
Although WhatsApp lacks a password for signing in to your account, it does, however, have a two-step verification to keep anyone from gaining access to your account if they steal your SIM card. Here’s how you’re able to reset that 6-digit PIN if you’ve forgotten it.
Obviously, you’ll need to recover your PIN if you forget it. But another time you might need to recover your PIN is when you switch phones, since WhatsApp require you to enter your two-step verification PIN on your new device once you download the app. You can’t really recover the same PIN you used, but you can get back into your account by resetting your PIN.
Pentru ca aplicatiile instalate pe smartphone-ul nostru cu sistemul de operare Android sa se updateze doar pe reteaua wi-fi si nu pe cea de date mobile (ca sa ne consume din traficul lunar), putem face cateva setari in Magazinul Play (Play Store).