Cum sa joci patru jocuri simultan – Android

Modalitatea intenționată de a juca majoritatea jocurilor Android este cu un telefon sau o tabletă compatibilă, dar este, de asemenea, ușor să jucați acele jocuri într-un mod optim pe un computer folosind un emulator precum BlueStacks. BlueStacks are chiar și o funcție care vă permite să jucați patru sau mai multe jocuri simultan, ceea ce poate îmbunătăți experiența de joc în moduri neașteptate.

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Things you can do to improve Wi-Fi on Samsung Galaxy Phones

It can be frustrating when you’re trying to use your Samsung Galaxy smartphone but realize your Wi-Fi signal is poor. You might not be able to change your network, but you don’t always have to move, either, because there are some built-in features on Samsung phones that can improve your Wi-Fi signal.

Some of these settings will require you to enable the developer options on your Android phone first. Make sure to do that before you proceed.

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How to lock your Facebook Profile

When you lock your profile, only your Facebook friends can see the content on your timeline. The full-size version of your profile picture and cover photo is also only visible to your friends. Any posts that you have shared with the “Public” setting will change to “Friends”.

Facebook will only show certain sections of the About Info section in your profile. Your Stories will only be visible to your friends. Features like profile review and tag review will be turned on. Any new posts that you create in your account will only be shared with your friends.

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