How to Check If Signal Is Down

Is Signal down? At the start of 2021, the encrypted chat app has seen a wave of new users who want to keep their conversations private. Here’s how to check whether Signal is down for everyone else.Head to the project’s official Signal Status website ( to see the latest details about any outage.

If Signal’s status website doesn’t say there’s a problem—or isn’t loading—you should look at the SIgnal page on Downdetector. This website relies on reports from actual users. If other people are experiencing a problem, you’ll see how many people are reporting issues. You can see a timeline of problem reports over the last 24 hours to get an idea of when the problem started, too.

In other words: Even if Signal’s official website hasn’t been updated with any information yet, Downdetector might be your first clue that other people are experiencing problems, too.

Look at Signal’s Social Media Accounts

Signal shares information about its status on Twitter. The Signal Twitter account is a great place to get updates about what’s going on. You can read Signal’s latest updates on Twitter even if you don’t have a Twitter account.

In fact, on January 15, 2021, the SIgnal Status website was embedding tweets to share information about what was going on.

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How to Delete Specific Website History From Safari on iPhone or iPad

It’s not always convenient to delete your entire history, but you can instead choose to delete specific websites from your history (and the data they leave behind on your device). Here’s how to do it in Safari for iPhone and iPad.

How to Remove Websites from Safari History

Safari will record any websites you visit unless you use Private Browsing. Once a website is in your history it will appear in the URL bar when you start typing a related term. There are all sorts of reasons you may want to prune specific websites, and it’s easy to do so.

  • Open Safari and tap on the “Bookmarks” icon at the bottom of the screen (it looks like an open book).
  • A pop-up will appear with three tabs for your Bookmarks, Reading List, and History. Tap on the clock icon to see your history.
  • You can now swipe left on any entry in your history and tap “Delete” to remove it for good.

Rather than scrolling through your entire history of visited websites, you can also search for specific terms or URLs using the on-screen search box. But that’s not the only evidence a website may have left behind on your device.

How to Delete Specific Website Data

Websites leave all sorts of data on your device including cached images and cookies. If you want to remove all signs of a website, it’s important to remove website data as well.

You can also search for specific websites using the search bar at the top of the screen, or nuke everything using the “Remove All Website Data” button at the bottom of the list.

Note that if you do remove website data (or wipe everything) that there may be some drawbacks like having to log in again or having your shopping cart emptied.

Don’t Forget About Private Browsing Mode

You can use Private Browsing mode in Safari at any point to visit a website without it being recorded to your device. To do this, tap on the tab icon in the lower right corner of the screen followed by the number of tabs you have open at the bottom of the screen. From here tap “Private” to switch to a private browsing session.

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Cum se activează înregistrarea video ProRes (4K) pe iPhone 13 Pro

Lansate în 2021, iPhone 13 Pro și iPhone 13 Pro Max dispun de un sistem de cameră îmbunătățit pentru a suporta noul mod video ProRes. Cu ajutorul aplicației Camera, poți înregistra videoclipuri 4K la 30 de cadre pe secundă pe un iPhone 13 Pro (sau Pro Max), dar vei avea nevoie de unul cu cel puțin 256 GB de stocare. Modelul de 128GB poate înregistra doar videoclipuri ProRes 1080p la 60 de cadre pe secundă.

Pentru a începe, deschideți aplicația “Setări” de pe iPhone

Derulați în jos și selectați “Camera”

Selectați “Formats” în partea de sus.

Activați comutatorul pentru “Apple ProRes”.

Atingeți “Camera” în colțul din stânga sus pentru a trece la meniul anterior.

Selectați “Record Video”

Alegeți rezoluția video ProRes “1080p HD la 60 fps” sau “4K la 30 fps”, în funcție de modelul dvs. de stocare.

Acum, închideți aplicația “Settings” și lansați aplicația Camera de pe iPhone. Treceți la modul “Video” și apăsați pe opțiunea “ProRes” din colțul din stânga sus pentru a o activa. Aplicația vă va arăta câte minute de înregistrare video puteți înregistra în modul ProRes.

Bucurați-vă de filmări de înaltă calitate și apoi profitați de capacitățile de editare video ale iPhone-ului.

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Cum sa creezi un cod QR de adresa web in Chrome

Google Chrome are un generator de coduri QR încorporat, nu trebuie să instalați extensii de la terți pentru a face acest lucru. Pentru a începe, lansați Chrome pe computerul dumneavoastră Windows, Mac, Linux sau Chromebook. Apoi, accesați site-ul pe care doriți să îl transformați într-un cod QR. In cazul nostru vom genera un cod QR pentru site-ul

Iata ce aveti de facut:

  • Primul pas este sa deschideti site-ul pentru care doriti sa generati un cod QR

  • Dupa deschidera site-ului trebuie sa accesati iconita din dreapta sus a paginii web

  • Dupa generarea codului il puteti descarca in PC

  • Acesta va arata asa:

  • Dupa salvare puteti accesa codul QR cu ajutorul camerei dipozitivului mobil.

Am testat solutia cu un dipozitiv iPhone 7+ si acesta functioneaza perfect.

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