How to Fix Error Code 0x0 0x0 in Windows 10/11
Windows error 0x0 0x0 or something similar (0x0) is a typical problem that can affect any Windows user and most of the time, it happens as a result of a malfunction of the Windows operating system or a core application.
In Windows 10 & Windows 11, the 0x0 0x0 error commonly appears in computers running in the Windows Insider program, which gives users the opportunity to try out new features in future versions of Windows that called BETA. So, if you’re in Windows Insider program try to update to the latest build and see if that fixes the error 0x0. The error code 0x0 error may also appear when you run a specific application or game because of a bug in the application/game. At this case try to reinstall the program that causes the error 0x0.
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