How to Track Prices in Google Chrome on Android

There are plenty of tools you can use to track the prices of products online, but what if your browser could do it by itself? Thanks to a feature in Google Chrome for Android, you can do exactly that.

  • First, open the Google Chrome app on your Android device. Flags are available for Chrome on almost every platform, but this one is exclusive to Android.
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How to Disable the Mic and Camera from Android’s Quick Settings

Android 12 Quick Settings access tiles.

Apple is taking a privacy-focused approach with the iPhone, which has caused Google to take it more seriously. One such privacy feature in Android lets you completely turn off the microphone and camera access from the Android Quick Settings. We’ll show you how.

Introduced in Android 12, the “Privacy Dashboard” gives you an easy way to see which apps are using which permissions and how often. This is great for seeing what’s been accessed in the past, but what about stopping it from happening right now?

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