Cum sa redirectionezi apelurile de pe iPhone-ul tau
- Apasam pe Call Forwarding
- In continuare, pentru a putea redirectionare apelurile, este necesara activarea functiei. Dupa activare putem redirectiona apelurile pe orice numar de telefon disponibil.
Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Android 11 introduced a feature that puts notifications from messaging apps in a “Conversations” section of the notification shade. These notifications are always at the top of the list, but it’s easy to remove an app from this section.
[mai mult...]Android 11 introduced a number of changes, but one that might catch you off guard is how screenshots work. The functionality is mostly the same as older versions of the operating system (OS), but Google moved things around a bit. Here is how screenshots work on Android.
[mai mult...]When it comes to CarPlay, Apple doesn’t let you modify much of the in-car infotainment system’s appearance. Thankfully, as long as you’re running iOS 14 or higher on your iPhone, you can change the CarPlay wallpaper. Here’s how.
[mai mult...]Android 11 introduced a feature for Google Pixel phones called “App Suggestions.” The launcher will suggest different apps you might want throughout the day. If you’re not interested in this, it’s easy to disable.
[mai mult...]Notifications are a key component of smartphones, so it can be annoying if you accidentally swipe one away before reading it. Introduced in Android 11, “Notification History” is a log of every notification you’ve dismissed. Here’s how to use it.
The Notification History feature is not enabled by default. Once turned on, it will keep a log of every notification that was dismissed over the past 24 hours. This includes system notifications and alerts that appeared and disappeared on their own.
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