This policy can specify a list of origins (URLs) or hostname patterns for which security restrictions on insecure origins don’t apply. This policy also prevents the origin from being labeled “Not Secure”.
Tired of your email inbox and text messages getting cluttered up by two-factor authentication messages? You can now have your iPhone automatically tidy up behind you after you verify your logins.
Many websites have strict rules that limit the size and type of image format you’re allowed to upload. With JPG being the go-to file format of the internet, we’re going to take a look at how you can convert your images into JPG format.
With the Google Translate app, you can scan and translate pictures to and from any of Google’s supported languages. With a mobile device, you can scan something in real-time or pick an image from your gallery.
You can add one or more emergency contacts to your iPhone so that they can be easily contacted (or contact you) in urgent situations. It takes five minutes to set up but it could be one of the most important settings on your device.