- Asigurați-vă că ați instalat cele mai recente actualizări pentru Windows, apoi reporniți computerul.
- În caseta de căutare din bara de activități, tastați linie de comandă și faceți clic dreapta sau apăsați lung linie de comandă (aplicație desktop) din lista de rezultate. Selectați Executare ca administrator, apoi selectațiDa.
- Tastați DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth (observați spațiul dinainte de fiecare „/”), apoi apăsați Enter. (Notă: pornirea și finalizarea acestui pas poate dura câteva minute.)
- După ce vedeți un mesaj care spune “Operațiunea s-a finalizat cu succes”, tastați sfc /scannow (observați spațiul dintre “sfc” și “/”) și apăsați pe Enter.
- După ce vedeți un mesaj care spune “Verificare 100% finalizată”, tastați ieșire și apăsați Enter.
Aplicatii specifice
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii default(Office, PDF reader) 11 Solutii
Instalare/Reinstalare aplicatii predefinite (ex. Office, PDF reader) 44 Solutii
Instalare/reinstalare aplicatii la cererea clientului 26 Solutii
Instalare/Dezinstalare aplicatii cerute de client (Viewer .p7m - caiet de sarcini, Autocad) 23 Solutii
Configurare browser 143 Solutii
Configurare program 2367 Solutii
Depanare Office 72 Solutii
Depanare alte aplicatii 40 Solutii
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How to create your own VPN at home
Why create your own VPN at home
Here are more reasons why you might want to set up your own VPN:
It’s affordable. You can create your own VPN at home with free tools and devices you already own. You can, for example, set up your router or spare computer as your server.
It boosts your online privacy. Unwanted third parties like your ISP, cybercriminals, and government authorities could snoop on your online activity without your consent. Use a VPN to encrypt your traffic, so you can keep what you do online private as it should be.
It lets you access your computer from anywhere. Want to access your files or connected devices at home while you’re away? You can do this with a VPN. The VPN connects you to your home network, so you can view files and control devices like your smart cameras wherever you go.
You have several options if you want to create your own VPN, including using your router, computer, or virtual machine in the cloud. Take a look at these easy-to-follow guides on how to create a VPN at home in the sections below. I’ve split the steps based on whether you want to set up your Windows PC, Mac computer, or router as your VPN.
Remember: Create a VPN on a device that’s always online, so you can always access it and enjoy the benefits of using it. If your device ever goes offline, even temporarily, it will leave you unprotected.
Create a VPN for Free on Windows 11
Let’s start with a tutorial on how to create a VPN at home on Windows. The easiest way to do this is to use Windows’ built-in tool to create your own VPN. I tested this feature on a Windows 11 computer, but the steps should be similar for earlier versions of the OS. Again, create a server on a Windows machine you can always leave online.
- Open Network Connections. Click the Start icon, type ‘Network Connections’, and then click View Network Connections.
- Press Alt+F, and then choose New Incoming Connection…
- Select the user accounts you want to allow to connect to your computer via a VPN. Alternatively, click Add someone to create a new user, then enter a username, full name, and a strong password.
- Click OK, and then Next.
- Click on Through the Internet as the means of connecting to your computer via VPN. Click Next.
- Choose the type of networking software that will be enabled for incoming connections. Check File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks if you’d like connected users to be able to view files and use printers you shared on the network.
- Click Allow access. A notification confirming your action will appear.
- Check your external IP. Go to a website like whatismyipaddress.com which lets you check your IP address. Take note of your IPv4 address — you’ll need this to be able to connect devices to your VPN from outside your home network.
Identificarea porturilor USB problematice folosind USB Treeview
Din motive legate de proiectarea perifericelor USB ori limitari impuse de catre componentele ce implementeaza conexiuni USB pe placa de baza vom intampina intreruperi sau disfunctionalitati pe anumite dispozitive.
De obicei acestea nu pot fi remediate din setarile UEFI/BIOS ori ale sistemului de operare (si nici prin actualizari). Daca nu se doreste identificarea unui port USB testandu-le pe toate, putem utiliza aplicatia USB treeview pentru a grabi procesul semnificativ.
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