Stații de lucru

OS - Windows 8413 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

Antivirus 71 Solutii

Aplicatii specifice 4738 Solutii

Hardware 288 Solutii

HID® ActivID™ Credential Management System

HID Global’s ActivID Credential Management System (CMS) enables organizations to issue an authentication credential that goes beyond perimeter security. Clients can choose from smart cards, security keys, Windows® TPMs and mobile phones for secure access to individual workstations and servers within the firewall, VPNs and applications. This high assurance credential can also enable digital signing and encrypt data, hard drives, documents and emails.

The ActivID Credential Management System is ideal for:

  • Medium to large enterprises issuing converged access cards or smart authenticators for employee authentication, data encryption and data signing
  • Organizations deploying Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards and commercial organizations deploying PIV Interoperable (PIV-I) or Commercial Identity Verification (CIV) cards
  • Governments issuing citizen identification cards with PKI-based credentials

ActivID CMS is the only offering in the industry that makes it possible for organizations to create, manage and use a single PKI smart card for both IT and physical access — all while utilizing a unified solution from a single vendor.

Organizations deploying ActivID CMS are able to securely provision PKI certificates and other credentials to a range of different devices, including smart cards, virtual smart cards, tokens and mobile devices. It is also scalable to millions of credentials in complex environments with multiple user groups. ActivID CMS interfaces with physical access control systems (PACS) to automate the PIV or PIV-I card enrollment process, enabling users to authenticate at the door without the need to re-enroll their card.

Optional and Supplemental Systems

ActivID Batch Management System (BMS)

The Advanced Edition of ActivID CMS includes HID Global’s ActivID CMS and HID Global’s ActivID BMS. ActivID BMS extends the functionality of ActivID CMS by creating and managing batches of smart card data and securely transmitting them to a service bureau for card production. Once smart cards are issued, ActivID BMS communicates data back to the ActivID CMS to enable secure activation and lifecycle management of the smart cards. The ActivID BMS is ideally suited to:

  • Large enterprises using a card service bureau to personalize smart cards for employees
  • Organizations using a card service bureau to personalize PIV or PIV-I cards

HID Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Identity Management System (IDMS)

HID PIV IDMS delivers a comprehensive, highly configurable solution to perform identity proofing, enrollment, and credential issuance – even to remote users. HID PIV IDMS is part of the HID PIV solution, which is a multi-factor authentication solution that covers the complete lifecycle of the identity, from issuance to retirement of the secure credential.

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How to Fix “This App has been blocked for your protection” Error on Windows by resetting Windows Update Components

If you’re seeing the “This app has been blocked for your protection” error on Windows, your system has restricted the application from running for security reasons. You can reset the Windows Update components, which means restarting certain services that manage the update process and enable you to launch the application.

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