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OS - Windows 8410 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

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Aplicatii specifice 4734 Solutii

Hardware 288 Solutii

How to Enable and Use Game Bar on Windows 11

Because XBOX and Windows are owned by the same company, Microsoft, some XBOX features have been incorporated into Windows. One such feature is the XBOX Game Bar. Game Bar allows you to take a screenshot, manage computer audio, or record your screen in an instant using a keyboard shortcut.

Although the Game Bar is enabled by default on most systems, there are cases where you need to enable it manually. Especially if you have reset Windows or upgraded it to a newer version, Game Bar will be disabled. Whether you are new to game mode or just want to know its features, this article provides a step-by-step process for enabling game mode and explains a detailed guide on how to use it.

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How to fix the “PUR-AuthenticationFailure” Error in Microsoft Store

The PUR Authentication Failure error is a common issue faced by many Windows users when trying to download and install updates from the Microsoft Store. A lot of users have encountered this particular problem, showing the following message when it arises. Error code 0x8007426 could also appear next to this error notification:

“Sign in again
Then try again.

The error message typically states that the update failed to install due to an authentication error and that the user needs to check their internet connection. However, this error can occur even when the internet connection is stable, which can be frustrating for users trying to keep their systems up-to-date.

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How to Fix the Volume Mixer Not Opening in Windows 11

The Volume Mixer is an important feature of the Windows operating system that allows users to control the volume levels of different audio sources. However, users have reported encountering a common error in Windows 11 where the Volume Mixer fails to open. This can be a frustrating experience as users are unable to adjust the audio levels on their systems.

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How To Stop Phishing Emails: Outlook

  1. ‘Block Sender’ feature: Outlook’s ‘Block Sender’ feature under the ‘Junk’ Email folder blocks spam and prevents it from entering the user’s inbox.
    • Select the spam email by clicking on the right button
    • Choose Junk from the drop menu, and click Block Sender. Else, Select Home -> Junk -> Block Sender. Outlook marks and relocates it immediately.
  2. Setting Up A Blocked Sender List:
    Similar to blocking a sender, a list of senders can be blocked that appear legitimate at first glance. They can look like or, and the user can block them with Home-> Junk -> Junk Email Options, this will show a Blocked Senders tab. Users can add a fake website, clicking on the ‘Add button’ and then on ‘OK’.
  3. Setting Up Rules:
    Outlook has an exclusive feature called ‘Create Rule,’ which offers custom email management in which users can assign specific rules to the email, which, when arrives, would beep or intimate the user in some other way.

    • Select the email to be moved to another folder.
    • Select Home > Rules > Create Rule.
    • In the dialog box, Outlook asks: When I get an email with the selected conditions (From, Subject, Sent To), do the following: Display in New Item Alert Window, Play Selected Sound, or Move Item to Folder.
    • In the bottom pane, check the boxes that perform the required actions
    • Click OK.
  4. Checking the spam folders often ensures efficient filtering.
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