What’s new in Windows 11 version 22H2
Windows 11, version 22H2 is a feature update for Windows 11. It includes all features and fixes in previous cumulative updates to Windows 11, version 21H2, the original Windows 11 release version.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Windows 11, version 22H2 is a feature update for Windows 11. It includes all features and fixes in previous cumulative updates to Windows 11, version 21H2, the original Windows 11 release version.
[mai mult...]Aplicatia Math Input Panel care este integrata in Windows 10, cat in si in versiunile de Windows mai vechi (7, 8.1), ne permite sa introducem formule matematice cu ajutorul dispozitivelor periferice de intrare (ecrane tactile, digitizatoare externe sau un mouse).
Formulele introduse de catre noi sunt recunoscute automat si pot fi inserate doar in aplicatiile office care suporta limbajul MathML (Mathematical Markup Language): Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, Office 365, dar si in aplicatiile software de matematica.
[mai mult...]Desi sunt sigur ca majoritatea dintre noi deschidem browser-ul Firefox folosind shortcut-ul de pe Desktop sau din taskbar, este bine de stiut ca mai exista si o alta metoda folosind tool-ul Run.
[mai mult...]In the situation where the video and audio are out of sync, following the next steps can help in solving the issue.
Google Chrome has a couple of options to import and export passwords. However, exporting is easy compared to importing since you have to enable an experimental flag to get started with.
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