Stații de lucru

OS - Windows 8421 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

Antivirus 71 Solutii

Aplicatii specifice 4739 Solutii

Hardware 288 Solutii

Cum se instaleaza Xfce Desktop in Ubuntu

Xfce este un mediu desktop gratuit si open-source care isi propune sa fie usor, rapid, utilizand resurse reduse de sistem, si in acelasi timp atragator din punct de vedere vizual, precum si usor de utilizat. Instalarea acestui mediu este facuta in mare parte pentru ca proprietațile remarcabile ale Xfce de a fi optimizat din punct de vedere al utilizarii reduse a resurselor de sistem, cum ar fi consumul scazut de RAM, facandu-l astfel un mediu desktop recomandat, dar care poate fi un mediu pentru servere, daca este necesar.
Instalarea Xfce se va face urmand pasii de mai jos:

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How to Add a Background Image in Google Docs

Add and Adjust a Watermark Image Background

The simplest way to add an image background in Google Docs is using the Watermark feature. With it, you can cover each page of your document and adjust the image transparency.

Open your document, select the Insert menu, and pick “Watermark.”

Watermark on the Insert menu in Google Docs

When the Watermark sidebar opens, confirm you’re on the Image tab. Then, click “Select Image.”

Select Image in the Watermark sidebar

Locate, select, and insert your image. You can upload a picture, use your camera to capture one, enter a URL, or choose a photo from Google Drive, Photos, or Images.

Image location options in Google Docs

You’ll then see the image appear as a watermark in your document. It will also display in the Watermark sidebar.

Image watermark in Google Docs

In the sidebar, you can use the Scale drop-down box to make the image larger or smaller. To remove the transparency, uncheck the box for Faded.

To make other adjustments like brightness, contrast, size, or rotation, select “More Image Options.”

Watermark formatting options in the sidebar

When you finish making adjustments, select “Done” to save the image background.

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How to Add and Customize Data Labels in Microsoft Excel Charts

When you create an Excel chart that contains a ton of data, it can be difficult to decipher it all at a glance. One helpful way to point out information is using data labels for a series of data points. You can choose which series or points to use data labels for and select their positions. For example, data labels can become part of the bars on a column chart or displayed as callouts on a pie chart.

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