How to fix a “This app can’t run on your PC” Error on Windows 11
The software you’re attempting to run is probably not compatible with your computer if you’ve received a “This app can’t run on your PC” error.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
The software you’re attempting to run is probably not compatible with your computer if you’ve received a “This app can’t run on your PC” error.
[mai mult...]Running into a JavaScript error on Discord makes you unable to use the app. Luckily, you have a few ways to fix the problem and get the app running as smoothly as possible.
[mai mult...]Windows TIFF IFilter vă permite să căutați documente Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) pe baza conținutului text.
[mai mult...]You use a cell reference when you want to capture information that is contained within another cell or range of cells. For example, the following formula references cells A1 and A2, and will add their contents together to produce a result.
You can use the following types of cell references to achieve specific outcomes:
LibreOffice Writer, parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Word.
Cand facem un document nou, implicit acesta va avea page formatul in letter. Cum insa printam marea majoritate a timpului in formatul A4, o sa arate diferit pe foaie vs ecran.
[mai mult...]LibreOffice Writer, parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Word. Functia Print Preview ne ajuta sa vizualizam documentul inainte de a-l printa si sa facem corecturile necesare, astfel ajutandu-ne sa facem economie si la hartie.
[mai mult...]