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OS - Windows 8434 Solutii

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7 Useful batch files you can create to Automate Tasks on Windows 11

What Is a Batch File?

A batch file is a file that contains one or more commands to be executed subsequently. Instead of typing those commands in Command Prompt or PowerShell, you create a file that runs those commands whenever the file is launched. This lets you accomplish the tasks of those commands.

A batch file uses “.bat” as its file extension. You run batch files the same way you run other files—simply double-click a file to launch it. No third-party apps are needed to open batch files.

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Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W – Review

It is fair to say that the Raspberry Pi Pico disrupted the maker community in 2021. The $4 microcontroller was Raspberry Pi’s first foray into making its own chips (ok, the Raspberry Pi 5’s RP1 is technically the first, but it was released after the Pico) and it saw the Raspberry Pi Pico and its RP2040 become a hot property. The Raspberry Pi Pico W, released in 2022, brought Wi-Fi to the form factor, but it wasn’t until 2024 that we saw the successor to the Raspberry Pi Pico, the $5 Raspberry Pi Pico 2.


The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 brings a more powerful CPU, more RAM and flash storage. It also brings security features via Arm TrustZone and Secure Boot. But, there is no Wi-Fi, until now.

The Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W is essentially a Raspberry Pi Pico 2, with the same Wi-Fi package as the original Raspberry Pi Pico W, and the same RM2 package as used in Pimroni’s Pico Plus 2 W.

You can’t help but notice that the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W looks just like the original Raspberry Pi Pico W. The key differences are branding text, surface mount component placement and FCC / ID reference numbers. Other than that they are identical. Including just the BOOTSEL button.

It’s a Raspberry Pi Pico, so you know that this can be programmed via MicroPython, CircuitPython, Arduino and many other languages. The short story is that the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W can be programmed using the same languages and software as you are already using. They just need an update from their maintainers in order to get Wi-Fi functionality to work.

The RP2350 is a much more powerful chip when compared to the RP2040. While you don’t need huge amounts of processing power for most microcontroller projects, there are some where the added oomph will provide a benefit. Emulation, AI / Machine Learning / Computer Vision for example.

The Pico 2 W builds on that, by offering a solid Wi-Fi connection.

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