Stații de lucru

OS - Windows 8420 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

Antivirus 71 Solutii

Aplicatii specifice 4739 Solutii

Hardware 288 Solutii

How to Check Your Java Version on Windows 11

There are plenty of ways to determine what version of Java you have installed, whether you’re using Windows 11 or Windows 10. For example, you can usually enter “About Java” in the Start Menu search and click the result to get a Java version. But that doesn’t always display the version your system will actually try to use if you run a JAR file.

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How to use the old photo viewer in Windows 11

If you are frustrated with the slow and laggy Photos app on Windows 11, worry not. You can still get the trusty Windows Photo Viewer right from Windows 7 to Windows 11. I am sure it will quickly become the best photo viewer on Windows 11 for you. So go ahead and try this registry hack on your Windows 11 PC.

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