Shorcut accesare Search Box din File Explorer in Windows 10
Search Box-ul din File Explorer ne permite sa cautam fisiere dintr-o anumita locatie. Putem cauta dupa numele fisierului, dupa extensie, etc.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Search Box-ul din File Explorer ne permite sa cautam fisiere dintr-o anumita locatie. Putem cauta dupa numele fisierului, dupa extensie, etc.
[mai mult...]Cred ca cea mai folosita modalitate de a inchide o fereastra de File Explorer este apasarea butonul Close (X) din coltul dreapta sus. Mai avem si combinatia de taste Alt + F4 care face acelasi lucru. Va voi arata o a treia modalitate pe care probabil nu o vom folosi atat de des, dar este bine sa stim ca exista.
[mai mult...]Run-ul este un tool pe care il folosim des in activitatea de suport tehnic si nu numai.
O fereastra Run o putem deschide in doua moduri: fie in bara de Search cautam dupa cuvantul cheie “run”, fie folosind un keyboard shortcut.
[mai mult...]With the launch of AMD’s Ryzen 9000 series came the introduction of the new AM5 chipset, the X870. Both the X670 and X870 chipsets fully support the latest processors, as well as previous AM5 CPUs, and offer similar features. The key question when comparing X670 to X870 is which one is the better choice for your needs, considering factors such as performance enhancements, connectivity options, and potential future upgrades.
[mai mult...]Windows 10 allow you to add multiple desktops while using the OS. With the help of multiple virtual desktop windows, it becomes easier for you to work on more than one application simultaneously. Since many applications require that you use then in full screen mode (otherwise many of their options remain hidden or inaccessible), by adding a couple of virtual desktops on your Windows 10 computer, you can work on many applications simultaneously without minimizing or closing a single one.
[mai mult...]TP-Link WN722N is a budget-friendly Wi-Fi adapter with Monitor&Packet injection capabilities for pen-testing enthusiasts, but if you don’t install the correct drivers you would not have acces to these tools.
Bellow are the steps to clean-install the correct drivers.
Step1:- Open Terminal and run update command.
sudo apt update
Step2:- Now run upgrade command.
sudo apt upgrade -y
Step3:- Now run the command to install the drivers.
sudo apt install realtek-rtl8188eus*
Step4:- Now run the following command to enable monitor mode.
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
Step5:- Lets check if injection is enabled by running following command.
sudo aireplay -ng — test wlan0
Now, bellow are the steps for updating the already installed drivers (if it is the case) to activate those 2 features. Use these commands to get the adapter working on Kali for packet injection and monitoring:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install bc
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libelf-dev
If the below command shows errors try “sudo apt dist-upgrade” and execute the given below command
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
sudo apt install dkms
sudo rmmod r8188eu.ko
git clone
cd rtl8188eus
sudo -i
echo "blacklist r8188eu" > "/etc/modprobe.d/realtek.conf"
sudo reboot
sudo apt update
cd rtl8188eus
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo modprobe 8188eu
To enable Monitor mode and test packet injection:
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo airmon-ng check kill
sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo aireplay-ng --test wlan0