Stații de lucru

OS - Windows 8401 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

Antivirus 71 Solutii

Aplicatii specifice 4724 Solutii

Hardware 288 Solutii

Procedura conectare portal SSL VPN – Sistemul informatic integrat Vamal

  • Se instaleaza Java JRE 8 versiunea pe 32bits de la adresa:

  • Se instaleaza Java JRE 6 versiunea pe 32bit de la adresa:

Se verifica celelalte versiuni de Java instalate pe statie prin urmatoarea procedura:
Control Panel -> Programs -> Java (32-bit)

In fereastra “Java Control Panel” se apasa pe Java -> View si se verifica versiunile instalate.
OBS: Se vor dezinstala toate variantele x64 (64-bit). Versiunile 1.8 32-bit si 1.6 32-bit sunt necesare pentru noul Portal CheckPoint. Versiunile mai vechi (1.6, 1.5 si 1.4) sunt necesare diverselor aplicatii din portal in functie de necesitate si nueste nevoie sa le aveti instalate

Utilizand browserul Edge sau Internet Explorer se acceseaza noul portal la adresa:

Se alege certificatul de utilizator pentru autentificare

Se introduce parola aferenta certificatului si se apasa “Trimitere”

Din portal se alege conectarea la aplicatiile native prin butonul “Conectare”

O nou pagina se va deschide pentru instalarea Check Point Mobile Access Portal. Se descarca fisierul cu extensia .msi apasand pe butonul Click aici

Se executa fisierul descarcat si instalarea va incepe.

OBS!: Este necesar sa acceptati si sa instalati certificatul “Check Point Mobile” prin apasarea butonului

In continuare se va instala serviciul Check Point SSL Network Extender Service

Dupa instalarea celor doua aplicatii conexiunea va fi realizata.

Pentru a va deconecta va rugam sa utilizati butonul Deconectare si apoi sa inchideti pagina.

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Several tools for observing screen pixels’ transition times

One of the main parameters in choosing a monitor is the transition times of the pixels from one color to another. The subject was and is intensively addressed, but now we have the opportunity to easily refer to a measuring tool, or more precisely to a common scenario: the tests offered by blurbusters.

Blurbusters are distinguished by the popularization of important terminologies for measuring the “clarity of the moving image”, which of course depends on the technology of the screen used. At the moment these are not of interest but only the knowledge of the tools made available by them.

An example would be the famous “testufo” test:

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Windows tips and tricks

Here are a couple of things you can try on your PC.

1.Right click on desktop -“New”- “Shortcut” and type in “slidetoshutdown”

This will add a slide effect will pop up when you want to shutdown your PC.

2.Right click on an app that you frequently use and go to properties,in the shortcut tab,go ahead and type in any key combination you want that is not currently in use,now when you hit that combination the app will run.

3.Press windows key + R and type in “mrt” and hit ok

Now,this will pop up

Now you can do a quick scan for any viruses that might be in your computer.

Quick note,this might take quite a while to scan and i recommend you do this when you are AFK.

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