Stații de lucru

OS - Windows 8401 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

Antivirus 71 Solutii

Aplicatii specifice 4724 Solutii

Hardware 288 Solutii

Black screen immediately after power up

If your screen goes black immediately after you power up your PC,here is what you should do:

1.Remove RAM for a while,and then plug it back in.

2.If the problem still exists,remove the CMOS battery for 30 seconds to reset the BIOS.

3.If it if still not working press”WIN + CTRL + SHIFT + B” ,this will reset your graphic card and auto fix any potential graphic issues. Just make sure your hdmi cable is inserted into your graphics card, NOT in your motherboard.

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How to set your Ethernet speed to 1GB

Firstly and most important,you can only do this if your subscription to the ethernet provider allows it.

  • Click on “Start” and type “Ethernet Settings”

  • Go to “Change adapter options”

  • Right click on your Ether connection and select “Status” as shown below

Go to properties:

And then on the “Configure” tab

Advanced->look for “Speed & Duplex” and be sure to have it set to 1GB.

No restart needed.

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Are PDF files not opening in Google Chrome?

Are you trying to view an important PDF document, but Google Chrome won’t open it? There are various reasons why Google Chrome might fail to open your PDF file. Fortunately, there are a few ways to fix the issue and make Google Chrome open PDF files as usual on your device. Let’s check out those fixes in detail.

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How to install LibreOffice on Ubuntu

Whether you’re an experienced Ubuntu user or a beginner, LibreOffice is an excellent office suite that can significantly enhance your productivity. It provides various useful tools for word processing, presentations, and spreadsheets. This article covers LibreOffice installation on Ubuntu using different methods.

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Save a copy in LibreOffice Writer

Aplicatia Writer, parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Word. Optiunea Save a Copy ne ajutam sa facem un backup al documentului nostru. Daca este un document important pentru voi, va recomand sa aveti neaparat un backup al acestuia.

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