Vestea vine ca o confirmare a unor zvonuri și speculații care circulă de mai bine de un deceniu în comunitatea tech. Primele indicii că gigantul din Redmond ar putea înlocui Control Panel cu o alternativă prietenoasă cu ecranele tactile au apărut în 2011.
Stații de lucru
OS - Windows 8199 Solutii
Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii
OS - OS X 407 Solutii
Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii
Licentiere 18 Solutii
Securitate 176 Solutii
Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii
Antivirus 71 Solutii
Aplicatii specifice 4576 Solutii
Hardware 287 Solutii
Microsoft nu mai renunță la Control Panel
How to set up Skype in Windows 10
Skype (which is now owned by Microsoft) is available in Windows 10 as a built-in app. All you need to do in order to set it up is to log in with your Microsoft account, click the icon from the Start menu, and provide any information you are asked for.
If you are not logged in with your Microsoft account, you can still follow the on-screen instructions that appear when you click the Skype icon, and use either an existing Skype or Microsoft account to sign-in, or create a new Skype account altogether.
[mai mult...]Windows 10 connectivity issues and fixes
[mai mult...]2 Windows tips and tricks you should know
1.Go down to your taskbar and search for “Phone link”
With it,you can connect your phone directly to your PC,once connected you and send/receive text messages and also make phone calls directly from your PC.
2.Head over to the Microsoft store and search for “PowerToys”
Once installed,you get a lot of windows useful utilities.
Two of my favourites are:
You can press
And that will keep the currently active windows on top of everything else.
And the second one,press
With this you can extract text from anything.
[mai mult...]How to fix the Windows Server Backup not Enough Space Error
When the “Windows Server backup not enough space” error appears, just check if the left storage space is available to support the backup task. After that, you can clean up the drive as you need.
[mai mult...]