Cum inseram o imagine in LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Calc – parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Excel.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
LibreOffice Calc – parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Excel.
[mai mult...]Pentru a transforma randurile si coloanele intr-un tabel am pregatit un fisier de test in care am completat cateva valori random.
[mai mult...]Math- parte componenta a pachetului Libre Office, este un formula editor (fractii, integrale, sisteme de ecuatii, etc.).
Putem accesa aplicatia Math in mai multe moduri (din LibreOffice Start Center sau din aplicatiile Writer, Calc, Impress si Draw), dar vom afla cum sa o accesati direct din Run.
[mai mult...]It’s now easier than ever to run Windows on a modern Mac and get great performance without spending a penny. This is the first place you should start when you’re looking to run Windows on a modern Apple Silicon Mac.
[mai mult...]If you’ve ever been denied access to a file or folder in Windows, chances are you need to take ownership of them with your user account.
If you’ve ever been denied access to a file or folder in Windows, chances are you need to take ownership of them with your user account.
When the error “this action won’t work on multiple selections” occurs, it means that you can’t copy & paste groups of information in Excel. Well, there are multiple reasons that can lead to this error.
Here are the most common causes: