OS - Windows

Depanare VPN 4 Solutii

instalare printer 50 Solutii

Optimizare pc 49 Solutii

Optimizare PC 103 Solutii

Scanare cu malwarebyte 4 Solutii

shareuire si mapare 15 Solutii

adaugare la domeniu 5 Solutii

Migrare profil 9 Solutii

Instalare/reinnoire certificate 2 Solutii

Personalizare sistem operare 274 Solutii

Configureaza si verifica setarile de boot 11 Solutii

Transfer de date 20 Solutii

Configurare OS 109 Solutii

Reparare OS 47 Solutii

Punct de restaurare OS 8 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Reinstalare/reconfigurare VPN 8 Solutii

Optimizare client e-mail 12 Solutii

Optimizare PC 30 Solutii

Optimizare PC 20 Solutii

Reinstalare / Reconfigurare VPN 6 Solutii

Reinstalare OS 32 Solutii

Reparare sistem de operare 45 Solutii

Programare sistem operare 12 Solutii

Puncte de restaurare sistem de operare 14 Solutii

Instalare imprimanta 44 Solutii

Mapare si partajare 13 Solutii

Modificari firewall 12 Solutii

Migrare profil 8 Solutii

Transferuri de date 33 Solutii

Upgrade sistem operare 12 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 7 Solutii

Verificare HDD 32 Solutii

Spatiu partitie 31 Solutii

Scanare cu MalwareBytes 5 Solutii

Setari servicii sistem operare 42 Solutii

Setari retea sistem operare 25 Solutii

Setari partitii 19 Solutii

Actualizare sistem operare 15 Solutii

Clonare HDD 11 Solutii

Compatibilitate program 13 Solutii

Instalare / Reinnoire Certificate 6 Solutii

Configurare si verificare setari de BOOT 15 Solutii

Configurare Sistem de operare 1393 Solutii

Identificare DLL-uri lipsa 2 Solutii

Depanare 993 Solutii

Editarea politicilor de grup ale sistemului de operare 13 Solutii

Drivere 50 Solutii

How to show file extensions on Windows 11

On Windows 11, you can show file extensions on File Explorer in multiple ways.File Explorer hides the extensions for known file types by default because it can create a cleaner, less cluttered appearance, particularly for users who aren’t tech-savvy. However, it also helps safeguard against unintentional changes to file extensions, which could render the file unusable. In addition, historically, it was used to mask malicious files disguised as harmless ones, though this is less of a concern today.

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Crucial T500 SSD – review

The Crucial T500 4TB is here, for those who find that 2TB of storage just isn’t enough these days. Using Phison’s E25 controller, the T500 has a power-efficient architecture with DRAM, now available as a 4TB pseudo-budget SSD.

Crucial promised a 4TB model a year ago, and it has now delivered: the same great taste but in an extra large tin.

For the most part, nothing has changed but the capacity. The T500 was heralded as a top notch PCIe 4.0 SSD that could match or beat any other drive in its class, all while being more power-efficient. Half the channels with the same amount of fun, and unlike some of its competitors, it kept the DRAM intact. It’s a great successor to drives like the SK hynix Gold P31 for laptops, and it also works great for desktops and consoles.

Perhaps the most obvious potential misstep is the price. In some respects this is supposed to be a “budget” SSD, even though its performance is in line with heavy hitters. Often, it manages to look like a WD Black SN850X or Samsung 990 Pro substitute, but really it just brings DRAM to a potentially less expensive drive, taking on the likes of the Teamgroup MP44. This becomes more obvious when looking at its sustained write performance irregularities, although for the most part you’re not going to notice that in daily use. Still, its price is higher than it should be at 4TB, which keeps it from being the best option in many cases, even if it delivers exemplary all-around performance.

The 4TB Crucial T500 is currently priced at $309 for the non-heatsinked version and $301 for the heatsink model. Those prices can and will change — a week or two back, the non-heatsink model was going for $289 and the heatsink variant cost $319. Whether you want the heatsink or not, check the current pricing, as you can easily remove the heatsink if you really don’t want it. If the bare drive ends up costing less (as it logically should), a variety of M.2 heatsinks will get the job done, or you can use your motherboard’s M.2 heatsink if it has one. Do note that the 4TB model isn’t a single-sided design, however.

The Crucial T500 4TB can hit up to 7,000/6,900 MB/s for sequential reads and writes, and up to 1,050K/1,350K random read and write 4K IOPS. These numbers are slightly lower than the 2TB SKU, and the 1TB SKU as well for that matter. The reason is the hardware. The controller in use has four chip enable (CE) signals for each of the four channels, giving sixteen CE total. As the drive is using 1Tb dies there are 32 dies in total present, more than the CE count, which add some overhead.

The 4TB T500 has a warranty for five years and up to 2,400TB of writes, which is right in line with the smaller SKUs. The drive also supports TCG Opal 2.01 for hardware encryption.

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5 moduri de blocare pentru un computer cu Windows 11

Blocarea computerului cu Windows este metoda optimă pentru a vă proteja computerul atunci când vă îndepărtați. Această acțiune nu încheie și nu întrerupe nicio aplicație activă, necesitându-vă să introduceți codul PIN sau parola pentru a ocoli ecranul de blocare. Mai jos sunt cinci abordări pe care le puteți folosi pentru a vă bloca computerul în siguranță.

Mai jos vom analiza mai multe metode de blocare a computerului cu Windows:

I. Pentru a vă bloca computerul cu Windows 11 prin meniul Start, urmați acești pași:

  1. Faceți click pe butonul „Start” situat în colțul din stânga jos al ecranului sau apăsați tasta „Windows” de pe tastatură pentru a deschide meniul Start.Blocarea meniului Start
  2. În meniul Start, faceți click pe pictograma profilului dvs. de utilizator sau pe numele aflat în partea de sus.
  3. Aceasta va deschide un meniu cu diferite opțiuni. Faceți click pe „Blocare” din lista de opțiuni.
  4. Alternativ, puteți apăsa și tasta „Windows” + „L” de pe tastatură ca o comandă rapidă pentru a vă bloca computerul instantaneu.

II. O altă modalitate de a vă bloca computerul Windows și de a vă proteja datele este prin intermediul Managerului de activități. Iată pașii pe care trebuie să-i faceți pentru a face asta:

  1. Faceți click dreapta pe bara de activități din partea de jos a ecranului. Aceasta va deschide un meniu contextual.
  2. Din meniul contextual, selectați „Manager de activități” . Alternativ, puteți apăsa Ctrl + Shift + Esc de pe tastatură pentru a deschide direct Managerul de activități.
  3. Odată ce Managerul de activități se deschide, accesați meniul „Fișier” situat în colțul din stânga sus al ferestrei.
  4. Selectați „Istoricul aplicațiilor”
  5. Din meniul drop-down, selectați „Run new task”
  6. Rulați o nouă sarcină
  7. În fereastra „Creați o nouă activitate”, tastați „tsdiscon”(prescurtare de la „Terminal Services Disconnect”) în câmpul de text
  8. Creați o sarcină nouă
  9. Bifați caseta de lângă „Creați această sarcină cu privilegii administrative” .
  10. Faceți click pe „OK”

III. Cum blocați un computer cu Windows 11 prin meniul Ctrl + Alt + Ștergere

Apăsarea Ctrl + Alt + Delete declanșează un meniu Windows distinct care va apărea pe ecran, oferind o gamă largă de funcționalități. Printre aceste opțiuni se numără Managerul de activități, care vă oferă posibilitatea de a efectua mai multe acțiuni, inclusiv schimbarea conturilor de utilizator, schimbarea parolelor și, mai ales pentru discuția noastră, blocarea computerului. Pur și simplu selectați „Blocare” din acest meniu vă securizează instantaneu dispozitivul Windows 11.

IV. Blocați computerul prin linia de comandă

Blocarea sistemului Windows 11 este posibilă și prin Linia de comandă, care este o interfață de utilizator bazată pe text care acceptă introducerea de la tastatură.

Pentru a iniția acest proces, începeți prin a accesa bara de căutare a meniului Start. Introduceți „Prompt de comandă” și selectați cea mai bună potrivire. Odată ce se deschide fereastra Prompt de comandă, introduceți următoarea comandă și apăsați Enter:
Rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

V. Cum să vă blocați computerul cu Dynamic Lock

Blocarea computerului cu Windows 11 cu Dynamic Lock oferă un nivel suplimentar de securitate prin securizarea automată a dispozitivului atunci când vă îndepărtați. Blocarea dinamică utilizează prezența unui dispozitiv Bluetooth asociat pentru a determina proximitatea dvs. de computer. Când vă mutați din raza de acțiune, computerul se blochează pentru a preveni accesul neautorizat. Iată cum să o configurați:

  1. Conectați un dispozitiv Bluetooth : asigurați-vă că computerul dvs. cu Windows 11 este asociat cu un dispozitiv Bluetooth, cum ar fi smartphone-ul sau dispozitivul purtat.
  2. Acces Setări : Faceți clic pe butonul Start și selectați Setări (pictograma roată).
  3. Navigați la Conturi : în meniul Setări, selectați Conturi.
  4. Accesați Opțiuni de conectare: din panoul din stânga, alegeți Opțiuni de conectare.
  5. Activați blocarea dinamică: derulați în jos la secțiunea Blocare dinamică. Comutați comutatorul pentru a activa Blocarea dinamică.
  6. Asociați-vă dispozitivul Bluetooth : faceți clic pe opțiunea „Adăugați un dispozitiv” și urmați instrucțiunile de pe ecran pentru a asocia dispozitivul Bluetooth cu computerul.

Odată configurat, computerul cu Windows 11 se va bloca automat atunci când dispozitivul Bluetooth asociat iese din raza de acțiune, oferind un nivel suplimentar de securitate sistemului dumneavoastră. În probleme de securitate cibernetică, reprezentați linia principală de apărare. Metoda pe care o selectați pentru a vă bloca computerul este mai puțin crucială decât să vă asigurați că faceți acest lucru în mod constant. În plus, este esențial să configurați PC-ul să se blocheze automat în caz de neglijare.

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How to choose the right Linux distro for you

Choosing among linux distros is a personal decision. But the general question is for what purpose you want Linux. There are many distros made just for a specific thing. Notable examples are:

  1. Ubuntu Studio : a linux distro made for people who love creating Audio, Graphics, Video, Photography and Publishing.
  2. Scientific Linux : a Linux release put together by Fermilab, CERN, and various other labs and universities around the world. Its primary purpose is to reduce duplicated effort of the labs, and to have a common install base for the various experimenters.
  3. CnC Linux : a software system for computer control of machines such as milling machines, lathes, plasma cutters, cutting machines, robots, hexapods, etc
  4. General purpose Linux : Most notable here is Ubuntu which is very easy to install, has its own app center and has steam supported. It’s a good platform also for gaming.
  5. If you are an experienced linux user and you want something more challenging then you can go to Arch-Linux and Gentoo. Both of them are minimal installations from which will provide you a minimal base system and you from a command line you gonna give linux the shape you want. You will chose the login manager, the desktop enviroment, the drivers. I would suggest Arch linux because the installation is very much easier from Gentoo and because of its awesome package manager the Pacman which seriously with one just command can update your entire system packages.
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Intel Core Ultra 9 285K- review

Intel’s flagship $589 Core Ultra 9 285K headlines its new ‘Arrow Lake’ Core Ultra 200S series, leading the charge with 24 cores melded into a completely new chiplet architecture that comes with plenty of new leading-edge tech, like 3D Foveros packaging, support for new DDR5 CUDIMM memory tech, and the first dedicated AI engine fused inside a desktop PC chip.

Intel says Arrow Lake provides an up to 150W reduction in system power during gaming and other improvements, like a claimed 20% gain in threaded horsepower and a 5% gain in single-thread performance over the prior-gen, which helps offset the lack of gen-on-gen gaming gains.

The Intel launch comes on the heels of AMD’s tepid Zen 5 Ryzen 9000 launch, which saw AMD’s newest chips providing limited generational gaming improvements, so they couldn’t quite catch up to Intel. Naturally, given the performance we’ve seen with Intel’s new chips, AMD’s Zen 5 processors, which recently had pricing adjustments and firmware/OS enhancements, look much more promising than before — at least compared to Intel’s new chips. However, AMD also has its Ryzen 9000X3D processors slated for release early this month, and they will almost certainly be the new gaming performance champions.

That’s not to say that the Core Ultra 200S series doesn’t have its own charms. Intel employs a range of TSMC nodes for the different chiplets (called “tiles” in Intel parlance) in Arrow Lake. In fact, this marks Intel’s first mainstream desktop PC chip entirely fabricated using another company’s process node technology. Intel combines the more efficient process nodes with a radical new CPU core design that intersperses E-core clusters among the P-cores and discards Hyper-Threading entirely, thus claiming to deliver drastic power reductions that will result in a cooler and quieter PC.

Arrow Lake supports up to 192GB of DDR5 memory, but now in two flavors with two different base speeds. The chips support DDR5-6400 with DDR5 CUDIMMs, a new type of DIMM with an integrated clock driver (ckd) that boosts easily attainable stable clock frequencies by amplifying the signal, thus stabilizing the data eye. Unlike the clock redrivers present on fully-buffered registered DIMMs, the CUDIMM redrivers are said not to impose an additional clock cycle of latency (they use a less complicated and cheaper design).

Intel also points to much higher overclocking headroom with CUDIMMs and says DDR5-8000 appears to be the sweet spot (Gear 2). CUDIMMs should enable the use of poorer-quality DRAM ICs in higher-speed kits while simplifying the pricier DIMM PCB designs often required for higher-end memory. But motherboards with CUDIMM support may cost extra, and the CUDIMMs themselves are likely to carry a price premium, so you’ll need to pay close attention to the final cost before deciding whether CUDIMMs make sense.

Intel also supports standard DDR5, but at lower base speeds than it supports with CUDIMMs (the same DDR5-5600 as with its 14th Gen CPUs). Naturally, both types of memory are overclockable. Arrow Lake does support ECC memory, but it won’t be supported on consumer platforms — instead, that feature is reserved for enterprise-focused W-series motherboards.

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Enable do not Track in Mozilla Firefox

Firefox’s mobile version doesn’t offer the Do Not Track feature; you can only enable the feature in Firefox’s desktop version.

Start by launching Firefox on your computer. In the top-right corner, click the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) and choose “Settings”.

From the left sidebar, select “Privacy & Security.” On the right pane, in the Website Privacy Preferences section, enable “Send Websites a Do Not Track Request”.

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