OS - Windows

Depanare VPN 4 Solutii

instalare printer 50 Solutii

Optimizare pc 49 Solutii

Optimizare PC 103 Solutii

Scanare cu malwarebyte 4 Solutii

shareuire si mapare 15 Solutii

adaugare la domeniu 5 Solutii

Migrare profil 9 Solutii

Instalare/reinnoire certificate 2 Solutii

Personalizare sistem operare 274 Solutii

Configureaza si verifica setarile de boot 11 Solutii

Transfer de date 20 Solutii

Configurare OS 109 Solutii

Reparare OS 47 Solutii

Punct de restaurare OS 8 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Reinstalare/reconfigurare VPN 8 Solutii

Optimizare client e-mail 12 Solutii

Optimizare PC 30 Solutii

Optimizare PC 20 Solutii

Reinstalare / Reconfigurare VPN 6 Solutii

Reinstalare OS 32 Solutii

Reparare sistem de operare 45 Solutii

Programare sistem operare 12 Solutii

Puncte de restaurare sistem de operare 14 Solutii

Instalare imprimanta 44 Solutii

Mapare si partajare 13 Solutii

Modificari firewall 12 Solutii

Migrare profil 8 Solutii

Transferuri de date 33 Solutii

Upgrade sistem operare 12 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Verificare HDD 32 Solutii

Spatiu partitie 31 Solutii

Scanare cu MalwareBytes 5 Solutii

Setari servicii sistem operare 42 Solutii

Setari retea sistem operare 25 Solutii

Setari partitii 19 Solutii

Actualizare sistem operare 15 Solutii

Clonare HDD 11 Solutii

Compatibilitate program 13 Solutii

Instalare / Reinnoire Certificate 6 Solutii

Configurare si verificare setari de BOOT 15 Solutii

Configurare Sistem de operare 1377 Solutii

Identificare DLL-uri lipsa 2 Solutii

Depanare 976 Solutii

Editarea politicilor de grup ale sistemului de operare 13 Solutii

Drivere 50 Solutii

How to enable do not track in Google Chrome on Desktop

Launch Chrome, select the three dots in the top-right corner, and choose “Settings”

From the left sidebar, select “Privacy and Security.” On the right pane, choose “Third-Party Cookies”

Scroll down to the Advanced section. Here, turn on “Send a Do Not Track Request With Your Browsing Traffic”

In the open prompt, select “Confirm”

You’ve successfully enabled Do Not Track in Chrome.

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Snipping Tool is getting another upgrade

Microsoft has updated the Snipping Tool a few times already in Windows 11. Another helpful improvement is on the way: turning screenshots of tables into actual table data. Microsoft has released a new Windows 11 Insider Preview build for the Dev Channel, bringing a handful of improvements and fixes, along with an exciting update to the Snipping Tool. The Snipping Tool already allowed Windows users to capture screenshots and copy text from images.

But if you’re screenshotting a table, the text recognition wasn’t smart enough to detect rows and columns properly. With the new “Copy as table” option, you can easily extract structured table data from screenshots and paste it directly into emails, documents, or spreadsheets. This is particularly useful for quickly transferring data without manual reformatting.

To use this feature, simply capture a screenshot containing a table, select “Text actions,” and then choose “Copy as table.” It uses the magic of OCR and while the feature currently works best with screenshots containing a single table, it represents a significant improvement in functionality if you happen to frequently work with tabular data.

In addition to the Snipping Tool update, the new build includes several other enhancements. Taskbar previews have been updated with improved animations, and the Task Manager’s Disconnect and Logoff dialogs now support dark mode and text scaling. Performance improvements include labeling disks with their type in the Performance section.

Insiders who have enabled the “Get the latest updates as they are available” toggle in Windows Update settings will receive these new features and improvements first. If you want to give this a spin but you don’t want to deal with the ins and outs of beta software, and the disadvantages it usually comes with, you’re better off waiting until this releases for everyone on the stable version of Windows 11.

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Cum folosim metode alternative pentru a deschide Task Manager in Windows 10 si 11

Deoarece managerul de activitati este de obicei accesat atunci cand o aplicatie sau un proces se defecteaza, este important sa cunoastem mai multe modalitati de acces. Deci, este posibil sa nu ramanem blocati in cazul in care un proces ne impiedica sa utilizam metoda obisnuita de a accesa managerul de activitati.

Putem utiliza Managerul de activitati pentru a forta inchiderea unei aplicatii pentru a dezactiva procesele ramase dupa inchiderea unei aplicatii, pentru a vedea aplicatiile care ruleaza in fundal sau pur si simplu sa privim starea actuala a resurselor. De exemplu, o aplicatie ne poate impiedica sa utilizam comanda rapida de la tastatura (cea mai usoara metoda), in acest caz, va trebui sa o accesam de pe desktop sau din meniuri. In afara de renumita comanda CTRL+Alt+Delete, in urmatorii pasi o sa prezentam alte metode pentru a ajunge la acesta.

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Cum rezolvam eroarea “File Explorer not responding”

File Explorer este o interfata fantastica de navigare a fisierelor care ne permite sa gestionam fisierele stocate pe hard diskul unui sistem Windows. Interfata sa grafica simpla in sistemul de operare Windows a facut computerul sa fie accesibil pentru toata lumea. Cu File Explorer putem vizualiza si edita aproape toate datele care se afla in structura de gestionare a fisierelor, de la foldere la unitati.

Cauzele pentru care File Explorer nu raspunde:
– Fisiere corupte
– Infectia cu malware
– Sistem OS invechit
– Faulty Drivers
– Setari de sistem

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How to control individual app notifications in Windows 10

Windows 10 allows you to control notifications for each your apps individually. In addition to managing the notifications for each app individually, you can also turn on or off the notifications for all the available apps in a single go. The entire process of enabling or disabling the notifications for all apps in a single go, or for each app individually is explained below:

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