Cum accesam Defragment and Optimize Drives din Run in Windows 10
Optimizarea drive-urilor prezente pe echipamentele noastre ajuta la functionarea “lina” a acestora si la bootarea mai rapida.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Optimizarea drive-urilor prezente pe echipamentele noastre ajuta la functionarea “lina” a acestora si la bootarea mai rapida.
[mai mult...]Logitech have released a portable tool for configuring most mice (from their gaming range) called Onboard Memory Manager. This can be obtained from the Support or Downloads page for relatively recent products, from the G102/203 models up to the G502x. Although it has most of the facilities present in G HUB, firmware updates cannot be done with OMM.
[mai mult...]Aceasta este o continuare a investigatiei efectuate asupra setarilor principale ale unui monitor IPS. De aceasta data vom investiga impactul setarilor secundare, mai precis Sharpness, Gain(RGB – 3 axe), Offset(RGB – 3 axe), Saturation (RGBCMY – 6 axe), Response time si Black boost.
[mai mult...]In fereastra File Explorer Options putem face diverse setari, cele mai cunoscute fiind show hidden files and folders si show file extensions. Bineinteles ca aceste doua setari le putem face direct din fereastra File Explorershow file extensions, dar este bine sa cunoastem si alte modalitati.
[mai mult...]In fereastra Mouse Properties putem face diverse setari pentru a ne configura mouse-ul dupa preferinte.
[mai mult...]If you’re troubleshooting your computer, you may need to boot Windows 10 in the Command Prompt. If Windows 10 can’t boot at all, the command line interface (CLI) is the only option you have. Booting Windows 10 in Command Prompt requires that you have Windows 10 on a bootable disc or USB drive.
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