OS - Windows

Depanare VPN 4 Solutii

instalare printer 50 Solutii

Optimizare pc 49 Solutii

Optimizare PC 103 Solutii

Scanare cu malwarebyte 4 Solutii

shareuire si mapare 15 Solutii

adaugare la domeniu 5 Solutii

Migrare profil 9 Solutii

Instalare/reinnoire certificate 2 Solutii

Personalizare sistem operare 274 Solutii

Configureaza si verifica setarile de boot 11 Solutii

Transfer de date 20 Solutii

Configurare OS 109 Solutii

Reparare OS 47 Solutii

Punct de restaurare OS 8 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Reinstalare/reconfigurare VPN 8 Solutii

Optimizare client e-mail 12 Solutii

Optimizare PC 30 Solutii

Optimizare PC 20 Solutii

Reinstalare / Reconfigurare VPN 6 Solutii

Reinstalare OS 32 Solutii

Reparare sistem de operare 45 Solutii

Programare sistem operare 12 Solutii

Puncte de restaurare sistem de operare 14 Solutii

Instalare imprimanta 44 Solutii

Mapare si partajare 13 Solutii

Modificari firewall 12 Solutii

Migrare profil 8 Solutii

Transferuri de date 33 Solutii

Upgrade sistem operare 12 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 7 Solutii

Verificare HDD 32 Solutii

Spatiu partitie 31 Solutii

Scanare cu MalwareBytes 5 Solutii

Setari servicii sistem operare 42 Solutii

Setari retea sistem operare 25 Solutii

Setari partitii 19 Solutii

Actualizare sistem operare 15 Solutii

Clonare HDD 11 Solutii

Compatibilitate program 13 Solutii

Instalare / Reinnoire Certificate 6 Solutii

Configurare si verificare setari de BOOT 15 Solutii

Configurare Sistem de operare 1393 Solutii

Identificare DLL-uri lipsa 2 Solutii

Depanare 993 Solutii

Editarea politicilor de grup ale sistemului de operare 13 Solutii

Drivere 50 Solutii

Using the power button (on/off) for the purpose of various fixes

The on-off button (switch) present on all laptops/PCs/servers can be used for purposes other than power on/power off/sleep/hibernate/closing the screen (or other options made available through the operating system or integrated firmware). In general, the applicability of the following method also extends to other devices that employ ram memory (and capacitors), such as smartphones or printers.

Situations that can be fixed include, but are not limited to the following examples:
-non-functional laptop keyboard
-laptop keyboard that responds incorrectly or clumsily to pressed keys
-occasionally helps with BSOD fixes
-allows the detection of devices/peripherals/components that would otherwise not be recognized (including certain SSDs, in which case it is recommended to save the data on them and replace them with a model that does not show this symptom).

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Cateva situatii de intrerupere a conexiunii la retea (rj-45)

Un utilizator poate observa ca paginile web incarc greoi, nu raspund la comenzi sau apar “offline” – uneori chiar si incercarile de listare la imprimanta esueaza, desi sistemul de operare nu raporteaza probleme cu placa de retea ori conexiunea. Toate acestea intamplandu-se desi la o inspectie vizuala initiala “totul pare in parametri ori corespunzator” pe traseul fizic intre statie si router ori switch etc.

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Cum facem un om de zapada in LiberOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer, parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Word. Poate ca va imaginati ca o sa va arat cum sa faceti un om de zapada folosind forme geometrice. Dar exact cum v-am obisnuit si in solutiile trecute, o sa il facem din doua – trei miscari.

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What is a Heatsink, and how does it work?

Beneath their unassuming metal surface lies a surprising amount of complexity.

  • Heatsinks are essential parts of your computer’s cooling. They remove heat away from critical components to increase their lifespan, performance, and stability.
  •  Heatsinks come in various shapes and sizes, with fin heatsinks being the most common type. They’re often accompanied by a fan for improved cooling.
  •  Factors such as size, material, heat pipes, fans, thermal interface material, mounting pressure, and ambient temperature affect the effectiveness of a heatsink.
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