Fixare eroare 0x8024ce16 la update-urile de Windows
Fixare eroare 0x8024ce16 la update-urile de Windows.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Fixare eroare 0x8024ce16 la update-urile de Windows.
[mai mult...]The on-off button (switch) present on all laptops/PCs/servers can be used for purposes other than power on/power off/sleep/hibernate/closing the screen (or other options made available through the operating system or integrated firmware). In general, the applicability of the following method also extends to other devices that employ ram memory (and capacitors), such as smartphones or printers.
Situations that can be fixed include, but are not limited to the following examples:
-non-functional laptop keyboard
-laptop keyboard that responds incorrectly or clumsily to pressed keys
-occasionally helps with BSOD fixes
-allows the detection of devices/peripherals/components that would otherwise not be recognized (including certain SSDs, in which case it is recommended to save the data on them and replace them with a model that does not show this symptom).
Un utilizator poate observa ca paginile web incarc greoi, nu raspund la comenzi sau apar “offline” – uneori chiar si incercarile de listare la imprimanta esueaza, desi sistemul de operare nu raporteaza probleme cu placa de retea ori conexiunea. Toate acestea intamplandu-se desi la o inspectie vizuala initiala “totul pare in parametri ori corespunzator” pe traseul fizic intre statie si router ori switch etc.
[mai mult...]LibreOffice Writer, parte componenta a pachetului LibreOffice, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Word. Poate ca va imaginati ca o sa va arat cum sa faceti un om de zapada folosind forme geometrice. Dar exact cum v-am obisnuit si in solutiile trecute, o sa il facem din doua – trei miscari.
[mai mult...]Beneath their unassuming metal surface lies a surprising amount of complexity.
Are you experiencing a Bluescreen error tagged with the stop code “HYPERVISOR ERROR“? As the Hyper-V feature gets used extensively to manage virtual machines on Windows 11, 10, these types of Hypervisor errors are not uncommon.
[mai mult...]