OS - Windows

Depanare VPN 4 Solutii

instalare printer 50 Solutii

Optimizare pc 49 Solutii

Optimizare PC 103 Solutii

Scanare cu malwarebyte 4 Solutii

shareuire si mapare 14 Solutii

adaugare la domeniu 5 Solutii

Migrare profil 9 Solutii

Instalare/reinnoire certificate 2 Solutii

Personalizare sistem operare 274 Solutii

Configureaza si verifica setarile de boot 11 Solutii

Transfer de date 20 Solutii

Configurare OS 109 Solutii

Reparare OS 47 Solutii

Punct de restaurare OS 8 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Reinstalare/reconfigurare VPN 8 Solutii

Optimizare client e-mail 12 Solutii

Optimizare PC 30 Solutii

Optimizare PC 20 Solutii

Reinstalare / Reconfigurare VPN 6 Solutii

Reinstalare OS 32 Solutii

Reparare sistem de operare 45 Solutii

Programare sistem operare 12 Solutii

Puncte de restaurare sistem de operare 14 Solutii

Instalare imprimanta 44 Solutii

Mapare si partajare 13 Solutii

Modificari firewall 12 Solutii

Migrare profil 8 Solutii

Transferuri de date 32 Solutii

Upgrade sistem operare 12 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Verificare HDD 32 Solutii

Spatiu partitie 31 Solutii

Scanare cu MalwareBytes 5 Solutii

Setari servicii sistem operare 42 Solutii

Setari retea sistem operare 25 Solutii

Setari partitii 19 Solutii

Actualizare sistem operare 15 Solutii

Clonare HDD 11 Solutii

Compatibilitate program 13 Solutii

Instalare / Reinnoire Certificate 6 Solutii

Configurare si verificare setari de BOOT 15 Solutii

Configurare Sistem de operare 1353 Solutii

Identificare DLL-uri lipsa 2 Solutii

Depanare 966 Solutii

Editarea politicilor de grup ale sistemului de operare 13 Solutii

Drivere 50 Solutii

Remediere “100 % Disk Usage” în Windows 10

Windows Search

Aceasta problema de performanta este cea mai evidenta atunci cand incercati sa utilizati Cautare Windows pentru a gasi un fisier sau un program. Pentru a stabili daca este o problema care va afecteaza, atunci cand calculatorul dvs. incetineste, apasati pe Ctrl + Alt + Del si selectati Task Manager. In primul tab, Processes, cautati coloana Disk. Daca intampinati probleme cu performanta unitatii, aceasta ar trebui sa fie de 100% si rosu umbrit pentru a indica daca aveti sau nu o problema.

Sectoarele problematice de pe hard disk-ul dvs. pot cauza probleme de utilizare a discului in Windows 10. Cu toate acestea, utilizand verificarea discului (incorporat in Windows) poate rezolva problema. Deschideti Windows Explorer si selectati This PC, apoi identificati unitatea hard disk. Faceti click dreapta pe C: si selectati Properties. Aici, gasiti tabul Tools, iar in sectiunea Error dati click pe Check. In fereastra care apare, faceti click pe Scan unit. Asteptati in timp ce sistemul scaneaza unitatea; poate fi necesara o repornire pentru o reparatie completa a discului. Acest lucru ar trebui rezolve eroarea.

Verificati software-ul anti-virus

Ca in cazul oricarei astfel de probleme legate de performanta, primul lucru de facut este sa verificati computerul dvs. sa nu fi fost infectat cu programe malware. Software-ul dvs. de securitate ar trebui sa poata face acest lucru, fie ca este vorba de o aplicatie gratuita sau de una platita. Daca se intalnesc amenintari, utilizati recomandarile software-ului pentru a le elimina si apoi reporniti computerul. Apoi, verificati din nou performanta unitatii. Speram ca ati rezolvat problema; daca nu, atunci malware-ul nu a fost de vina, asa ca cititi mai departe.

Dezactivati Windows Search

O eroare in Windows 10 are ca rezultat o “bucla de cautare” care genereaza o incarcare crescuta pe unitatea de sistem. Pentru a opri acest lucru si pentru a preveni acest lucru in timpul sesiunii curente (pana cand Windows se reporneste) deschideti Promptul de comanda (cel mai rapid mod este sa faceti click pe butonul Start si tastand cmd, apoi click dreapta si selectati Run as administrator) si tastati: net.exe stop “Windows search” Pentru a dezactiva definitiv Cautarea sau Indexarea Windows, apasati WIN + R, tastati services.msc si apasati Enter. In fereastra Servicii care se deschide, gasiti intrarea Windows Search si faceti dublu click pe ea pentru a deschide fereastra Proprietati.

Sub Startup type, selectati Disable (Dezactivat). Aici puteti face click pe Stop pentru a intrerupe serviciul. Faceti click pe OK pentru a salva modificarile. La cateva momente dupa dezactivarea Windows Search, performanta Windows 10 ar trebui sa se imbunatateasca considerabil. Daca nu, treceti mai departe …

Este Flash o cauza?

In Google Chrome deschideti Meniu> Setari> Afisati setarile avansate si gasiti sectiunea marcata Confidentialitate. Aici faceti click pe Setari de continut si gasiti Flash. Veti vedea o comutare, asadar setati-o pe Blocati site-uri din Flash, apoi faceti click pe Inapoi.

Reporniti browserul si verificati performanta HDD. Este posibil ca Flash sa nu aiba impact asupra performantei browserului. In acest caz va recomandam utilizarea unui alt browser web.

Rezolvati eroarea PCI-Express Firmware

Unele drivere nu ruleaza asa cum ar trebui in Windows 10. Unul care a fost descoperit ca provoaca 100% utilizare HDD este driverul StorAHCI.sys, care are un bug firmware. StorAHCI.sys este destinat dispozitivelor de stocare conectate la placa de baza PC sau laptop prin interfata Advanced Host Controller PCI-Express. Daca ati ajuns aici fara succes, aceasta ar putea fi problema. Deschideti Device Manager (utilizati Windows 10 search sau faceti click dreapta pe This PC in Windows Explorer, apoi Properties> Device Manager) si extindeti controlerele IDE ATA / ATAPI. Daca este afisata o intrare AHCI Controller, faceti dublu click, apoi deschideti tabul Driver si selectati Detalii driver. Este driverul enumerat ca C: \ Windows \ system32 \ DRIVERS \ storahci.sys? Daca da, ati putea fi afectati de acest bug.

Inchideti caseta cu detalii despre driver si comutati la tabul Detalii, selectand calea dispozitivului din meniul derulant. In cazul in care este afisata valoarea, faceti click dreapta si selectati Copiere. Lansati un editor de text (ca Notepad) si lipiti continutul. Apoi apasati WIN + R si tastati regedit, urmat de butonul OK. Navigati la aceasta adresa: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Enum \ PCI \ si utilizati sirul copiat de mai sus pentru a deschide controlerul AHCI corect.


Aici, extindeti Device Parameters \ Interrupt Management \ MessageSignaledInterruptProperties si ar trebui sa vedeti MSISupported listate in panoul din dreapta. Faceti dublu click pe acesta, apoi modificati Valoare la 0. Faceti click pe OK pentru a confirma si urmati instructiunile pentru a reporni Windows.

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Do You Need Anti-Ransomware Software for Your PC?

Unlike other types of malware, you can’t just clean up ransomware and go on with your day. A run-of-the-mill virus won’t destroy all your data and backups. That’s why ransomware is a hazard you need to prepare for in advance.

“If you weren’t running ransomware protection,” said Adam Kujawa, director of Malwarebytes Labs. “If you haven’t secured your backups in advance, then you really are out of luck.”

Are You at Risk?

Sure, a ransomware attack can be bad, but not all hazards carry the same level of risk. For example, a killer asteroid strike is a known hazard. Should we spend trillions of dollars building a defense against a threat that only occurs once every 100 million years? Not necessarily, because the risk of actual impact is pretty low.  So, when it comes to ransomware, you have to consider what your level of risk is for permanent data loss.

Part of your risk assessment is considering how prepared you are for an attack. There are several things you can do to make your data relatively safe. Because ransomware can and will encrypt any files it finds on your PC or a connected network, choose a backup solution that doesn’t make your files easily accessible.

One such solution is “air gapping” your backup drive, which means it isn’t connected to your PC or network constantly. Another option is a backup tool that uses versioning, so you can restore versions of your files that predate any catastrophe. If you have a secure, isolated backup, a ransomware attack might be inconvenient, but you can shake it off without too much difficulty.

Combined with common-sense precautions, like not clicking links you don’t trust, this is all fairly standard computer hygiene. There are also some easy ways you can add ransomware protection to your PC without installing yet another security program. Your existing antivirus package might already offer some protection. For example, if you use Windows Defender, Windows 10’s default antivirus, it has some built-in ransomware protection, but it’s turned off by default.

If you enable Windows Defender’s “Controlled Folder Access” ransomware protection, the software will protect common folders, like Documents and Pictures, from unauthorized changes. If a ransomware app can’t access your Documents folder, it can’t encrypt your files—game, set, match! There are also free apps, like Trend Micro’s RansomBuster, that work the same way.

The "Ransomeware Protection" menu in Windows Defender.

Unfortunately, this approach isn’t foolproof and can be annoying in practice. Many programs legitimately need to access your document folders routinely, so you might have to field a lot of permission popups.

Ransomware Is Still a Serious Threat

Some experts think the heat isn’t on home computers. Criminals tend to focus their efforts on victims with deep pockets. Check Point’s just-published Cyber Security Report 2020 agrees with that assessment:

“In 2019, we saw an escalation of sophisticated and targeted ransomware exploits. Specific industries were heavily victimized, including state and local government and healthcare organizations.”

Headlines in 2019 were filled with stories about these attacks, including successful assaults on more than 70 state and local governments. If you’re not a bank or city government, you might have less to worry about from ransomware in 2020 than you did several years ago, as current ransomware attacks are more targeted.

Additionally, a 2019 study on ransomware trends by RecordedFuture noted the overall number of ransomware campaigns might be steadily climbing, but “the truth is that most of these campaigns are ineffective and die out quickly.”

This is good news for your home computer—especially if you don’t want to run yet another cybersecurity app. However, we’re not out of the woods quite yet.

The "Active Protection" menu in the Acronis True Image ransomware software.

All of this means you might be relatively safe in the short-term, but it’s still a good idea to protect yourself with some ransomware prevention software. While home computers were relatively defenseless for several years, there are now many anti-ransomware packages you can choose from—both free and paid.

Even standard antivirus packages now routinely offer some level of anti-ransomware protection. However, many of these (and most free packages) rely on the same technology traditional antivirus programs do. They detect the signatures of known software to recognize malware. The downside of this approach, of course, is that it leaves you vulnerable to zero-day infections.

In contrast, most stand-alone ransomware packages, like Acronis Ransomware Protection, Check Point ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware, and Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta, detect malware by its behavior. These programs monitor the activity of apps and quarantine processes that take suspicious actions, like generating an encryption key or starting to encrypt files. This makes these programs dramatically more effective at stopping ransomware in its tracks, whether it’s a known strain, a brand-new threat, or a hybrid (both a virus and ransomware) malware. And yeah, that’s a new thing to worry about.

The ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware software.

“We’re seeing more malware families adopting ransomware capabilities,” said Kujawa. “Where previously it might’ve just stolen some information, now, once it does that, it might ransom your system and ask you for money.”

Whichever method you choose to protect your PC and data, just remember: When it comes to ransomware, prevention and preparation are critical. And the problem will probably only get worse. As Kujawa lamented: “Ransomware is the nightmare of my career.”

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Install Hyper-V on Windows 10

Enable Hyper-V to create virtual machines on Windows 10.
Hyper-V can be enabled in many ways including using the Windows 10 control panel, PowerShell or using the Deployment Imaging Servicing and Management tool (DISM). This documents walks through each option.

Note: Hyper-V is built into Windows as an optional feature — there is no Hyper-V download.

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Cum reparăm butoanele de închidere și repornire atunci când nu funcționează în Windows 10

Windows 10 ar putea fi cel mai recent sistem de operare de la Microsoft, dar nu este lipsit de defectele și problemele sale. Vorbind despre problemele cu Windows 10, unii utilizatori se plâng că în butonul de închidere Windows 10 nu funcționează, așadar, să vedem că există o modalitate de a remedia această problemă.

Înainte de a începe soluționarea acestei probleme, asigurați-vă că Windows 10 este actualizat. Asigurați-vă că utilizați Windows Update pentru a verifica actualizările, deoarece Microsoft va lansa corecții prin Windows Update dacă au găsit o soluție pentru această problemă.

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