OS - Windows

Depanare VPN 4 Solutii

instalare printer 50 Solutii

Optimizare pc 49 Solutii

Optimizare PC 103 Solutii

Scanare cu malwarebyte 4 Solutii

shareuire si mapare 15 Solutii

adaugare la domeniu 5 Solutii

Migrare profil 9 Solutii

Instalare/reinnoire certificate 2 Solutii

Personalizare sistem operare 274 Solutii

Configureaza si verifica setarile de boot 11 Solutii

Transfer de date 20 Solutii

Configurare OS 109 Solutii

Reparare OS 47 Solutii

Punct de restaurare OS 8 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 6 Solutii

Reinstalare/reconfigurare VPN 8 Solutii

Optimizare client e-mail 12 Solutii

Optimizare PC 30 Solutii

Optimizare PC 20 Solutii

Reinstalare / Reconfigurare VPN 6 Solutii

Reinstalare OS 32 Solutii

Reparare sistem de operare 45 Solutii

Programare sistem operare 12 Solutii

Puncte de restaurare sistem de operare 14 Solutii

Instalare imprimanta 44 Solutii

Mapare si partajare 13 Solutii

Modificari firewall 12 Solutii

Migrare profil 8 Solutii

Transferuri de date 33 Solutii

Upgrade sistem operare 12 Solutii

Windows Event Viewer 7 Solutii

Verificare HDD 32 Solutii

Spatiu partitie 31 Solutii

Scanare cu MalwareBytes 5 Solutii

Setari servicii sistem operare 42 Solutii

Setari retea sistem operare 25 Solutii

Setari partitii 19 Solutii

Actualizare sistem operare 15 Solutii

Clonare HDD 11 Solutii

Compatibilitate program 13 Solutii

Instalare / Reinnoire Certificate 6 Solutii

Configurare si verificare setari de BOOT 15 Solutii

Configurare Sistem de operare 1393 Solutii

Identificare DLL-uri lipsa 2 Solutii

Depanare 994 Solutii

Editarea politicilor de grup ale sistemului de operare 13 Solutii

Drivere 50 Solutii

Bottlenecking Guide

On the surface, a bottleneck is an imbalance or limitation of hardware. For example if you have a really strong graphics card but not a strong processor, then the processor could be spending too much time working on game logic to get around sending render commands to the GPU. A tale tale sign is you’re running an application and it’s not performing as fast as it could be.

Though “as fast as it could be” is kind of hard to objectively say so. If you’re playing a game, for instance, and you want to make sure the video card is working as fast as it can, you can check benchmarks of that video card against the game you’re playing from review sites. Usually they run on the top-end hardware, lowering the potential of a bottleneck.

Bottleneck issues usually show themselves in mainly two ways

  • The average performance isn’t as good as it should be
  • The frame rate isn’t consistent most of the time
  • Tools of the trade to figure out bottlenecks

GPU-z (https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/): This is useful for obtaining information about what’s going on in the GPU including clock speed, GPU load, and for some GPUs a performance cap reason. GPU-z also allows you to log data.

Task Manager: You can check out CPU load, system RAM usage, and tweak how many threads the application can use to further test. As of Windows 10 Fall Creator’s Update (1709), Task Manager includes a GPU usage section that can work as a substitute for GPU-z, although it’s less informative.

Performance Monitor (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749249(v=ws.11).aspx): This is a tool built-in Windows that you can use to log data. I usually use this to log CPU usage since you can’t do this in Task Manager

FRAPS (http://www.fraps.com/): While it’s primary use is to monitor frame rate performance, it can also log frame times which can be useful for determining where performance drops.

  • The kinds of bottlenecking

Since bottlenecks are usually the result of some issue with hardware, let’s go over the various root causes. If you suspect you’re having a bottleneck issue, consider the application you’re running or the hardware setup you have to determine the root cause.

  • Maximum CPU loading

Symptom: All of the processor’s logical cores (or “threads”) are maxed out at 100%.

How to verify: Reducing the application’s processor affinity causes performance to tank linearly. i.e., If the application is maxing out 4 cores, disabling 1 reduces performance by about 25%.

How to fix: Upgrade the processor to something with more cores. While overclocking can help, it will not offer a lot of wiggle room.

Description: This is caused by the application needing so much of the processor’s time that it cannot send render commands to the GPU fast enough. For the most part, games will typically only process logic every so often on a fixed timer and logic often goes before graphics. So if the processor spends too much time processing the game logic, it doesn’t have enough time generating render commands. An example of this can be seen back in the days of 8-bit consoles. When too much action is going on the screen, the game slows down as the CPU needs more cycles to process logic before it can get to sending rendering commands.

Reliance on single core performance

Symptom: Either a few logical cores have high usage or the entire processor appears busy, but appears to flat line at a certain percentage.

How to verify: Reducing the application’s processor affinity does not cause performance to tank unless you really reduce the affinity. e.g., if the total processor load on say an 8 thread processor is only 60%, disabling one core does not affect performance at all.

How to fix: Increase the single core performance by either changing the processor with a higher IPC or increase the clock speed of the current processor

Description: This is caused by applications that cannot issue enough threads of work on average to saturate the processor. As a result, the processor can easily finish up the work but has to wait for the application to issue more threads. This can be caused by many things, usually due to over-reliance on synchronous software design.

Accessing storage

Symptom: Performance hiccups or outright drops for a few moments when moving around in the game’s environment. This is normally a problem in open-world games

How to verify: Go to different areas of the game, but do not backtrack (those areas are often left in RAM, so they load “instantly”). If you have a hard drive, you can hear it working while you play the game.

How to fix: This is most likely going to be an issue with the game being on slower storage media like hard drives. The easiest solution is to upgrade the storage to an SSD. If that’s not feasible, then defragging and having the defragger consolidate data should help. Windows’ built-in defragmenter should consolidate data.

Description: This is caused by the application needing something, but it hasn’t loaded it yet so it has to go to storage to retrieve it.

VRAM/RAM loading

Symptom: Performance starts off fine, but at some point it starts to stutter.

How to verify: Check if the VRAM/RAM usage is close to 100%

How to fix: For VRAM, lower resolution based settings (texture, shadow, screen) or turn off MSAA. For system RAM, get more RAM or close applications that you’re not using.

Description: Applications aren’t aware of how much actual RAM there is in the system, only the OS. As a result, when the application starts requesting more RAM and no more physical RAM is available, the OS starts evicting data from RAM onto storage. This takes a very long time in computer time and normally the application can’t do anything else while this is happening, causing hiccups.

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Two very useful Windows tips

1.If you own a PC, you need to do this once a month

-Go to your keyboard and press Windows + R, type in CMD and run it as administrator.

In the CMD window type in “winget upgrade” and hit Enter

This will show you all the outdated apps and softwares existing on your PC

Now, type in “winget upgrade –all” and hit Enter.

This is going to update all of the outdated apps/softwares.

2.How to switch between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi, with PowerShell

To check your current connection, open up your Ethernet settings – Status – Properties, as shown below

You can check it from the “Network band” line

To change it, run Powershell as administrator and type in “netsh wlan show networks” as shown below

Go ahead and look up your 5 GHz connection pay attention to “_5G” or “-5G”, simply copy the connection name and use the command below.

Connect to it using “netsh wlan connect name=connection name“.

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Cum configurezi HP Color LaserJet M283fdw in retea, prin cablu

Initializare imprimanta:

  1. Trebuie sa conectezi un cablu de alimentare la o priza functional, apoi ai nevoie de un cablu de date cu acces la internet.
  2. Acum va trebui sa pui cateva foi si sa apesi pe butonul de Power On/Off
  3. Dupa initializare, vei selecta limba si locatia
  4. La final, la “Default Settings” vei selecta “Self Managed“, dupa care “Yes“.
  5. Verifici ca ai curent si link pe portul ethernet din spatele imprimantei, respectiv switch/router.

Instalare drivere/software HP:

1.Intri pe oricare motor de cautare folosesti si scrii “HP M283fdw drivers

2. Sunt doua modalitati: fie instalezi doar pachetul de drivere (“HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283cdw/M283fdw Printer Full Software Solution”, fie instalezi software-ul HP (“HP Easy Start Printer Setup Software (Internet connection required for driver installation)“). Recomand software-ul, e mult mai simplu si mai rapid (indiferent daca prin retea/Wi-Fi/USB).

3. Rulezi cu drepturi de Administrator fie software-ul, fie pachetul de drivere selectat.

Configurare imprimanta pentru retea (cablu/Wifi):

  1. Acum va trebui sa ii dai un IP static, Subnet Mask si un Default Gateway
  2. Intri in meniul touchscreen al imprimantei, te duci jos la “Network Setup” > “IPv4 config method”
  3. Selectezi “Manual” si acum trebuie sa ii dai un IP (verifici mai intai ca este liber pentru a nu face conflict cu un alt IP folosit de alt device), Subnet Mask si Default Gateway (IP-ul privat al router-ului/switch-ului cu care iesi la internet).
  4. Acum ca ai toate acestea configurate corect, poti adauga imprimanta foarte usor prin IP-ul privat pe care l-ai pus la pasul urmatorul din “Printers & scanners“.

Configurare Scan-to-Email:

  1. Poti configura functii precum “Scan-to-Email” din interfata web a imprimantei
  2. Intri in orice browser si in bara de search pur si simplu scrii IP-ul privat pe care l-ai pus imprimantei (de ex: si vei fi redirectionat catre interfata web.
  3. In meniul de sus vei selecta “Scan“:

4. Din meniul din stanga selectezi “Scan-to-Email setup” Outgoing E-mail Profiles“.

5. Selectezi “New” si acum esti in pagina de configurare.

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